A successful combination of donations of time, money and goods: We were able to support Amazon with a Volunteering before Christmas

A successful combination of donations of time, money and goods: We were able to support Amazon with a Volunteering before Christmas

Theresa supported our client Amazon shortly before Christmas with a volunteering for children and young people. Read more about it here.
Theresa Niederstraßer
Theresa Niederstraßer

I studied arts, music and cultural management and have already gained experience in project and event management, fundraising, sponsoring as well as consulting. The topic of Corporate Social Responsibility is very close to my heart. Especially today, I think it is extremely important for companies to see themselves as Corporate Citizens, to assume social responsibility and to have a positive impact on society. Therefore, I am very happy to implement our clients' CSR projects with my colleagues at HeadlineAffairs.

Helping to shape the digital future

Helping to shape the digital future

We have been supporting our client Amazon in the "Amazon Future Engineer" initiative since 2021. Our colleague Vanessa looks back on the collaboration and explains why the program is so important.
Vanessa Eigner
Vanessa Eigner

Vanessa Eigner studied European Cultural History and English language and literature at the University of Augsburg. She worked for a cultural magazine as well as for the marketing department of a software and training company.

Storytelling made easy – thanks to coincidence

Storytelling made easy – thanks to coincidence

Two HeadlineAffairs clients meet on a building site in Jena. Our colleague Sarah tells you more about the unplanned PR story.
Sarah Spitzl-Kirch
Sarah Spitzl-Kirch

Schreiben war schon immer „mein Ding“. Das bestätigte mir bereits meine Deutschlehrerin in der Grundschule und meine Lehrerin in der fünften Klasse prophezeite: „Du wirst mal Journalistin“. Sicherlich war es auch dieser frühe Zuspruch, der mich dazu veranlasste, ein Studium der Germanistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft aufzunehmen und erfolgreich abzuschließen (= ich wurde keine Taxifahrerin). In die Zeitungsredaktion hat es mich trotz der Weissagung nur mal für ein Praktikum verschlagen. Jetzt haue ich bei HeadlineAffairs in die Tastatur. Von der Mitarbeiterzeitung, über den Kundennewsletter und die Pressemitteilung bis hin zu Blogbeiträgen und Mitarbeiterportraits begebe ich mich seit mittlerweile neun Jahren täglich auf die Suche nach Geschichten, die es aufzuschreiben lohnt.

HeadlineAffairs & Heldenmood in the top 5 at the PR Report Awards

HeadlineAffairs & Heldenmood in the top 5 at the PR Report Awards

HeadlineAffairs was co-nominated for the PR Report Awards for the podcast "Unternehmer:innen der Zukunft"! Our Deputy Managing Director Ginny attended the award ceremony in Berlin and shares her impressions here:
Virginia Sutter
Virginia Sutter

Virginia Sutter studied Literature, Philosophy and Business-Economics at the University of Durham, UK. She gained practical experience while working in editorial and press departments in the English and German publishing world.

World Refugee Day at Amazon: Just lend a hand

World Refugee Day at Amazon: Just lend a hand

To mark World Refugee Day, HA colleagues Sabrina and Ginny supported our client Amazon with a "kitting event". Find out what's behind it here!
Virginia Sutter
Virginia Sutter

Virginia Sutter studied Literature, Philosophy and Business-Economics at the University of Durham, UK. She gained practical experience while working in editorial and press departments in the English and German publishing world.

No watering cans at Amazon

No watering cans at Amazon

In this article, you will find out how our client Amazon is organized in the area of corporate social responsibility, what challenges the company faces and how HeadlineAffairs provides support.
Anna Luisa Wickern
Anna Luisa Wickern

Whether it's bedtime stories, exciting novels or high poetry - I have always been fascinated by well-told stories. But just listening is not enough for me, I want to tell my own stories: Even in primary school I took the pencil in my hand to write very creative stories with very creative spelling. Since then my spelling skills have improved, creativity and joy of writing have remained. Today I tell headline stories for you at HeadlineAffairs.

Attitude and Action

Attitude and Action

Twitter boss Elon Musk now has his press office respond to press inquiries with an automated turd emoji. Here you can find out why we find this unappetizing in many respects.
Jochen Leufen
Jochen Leufen

In German, there is a saying "Don't quack no opera!" That's a pity, because operas master the loud and the soft, the high and the low notes, plus plenty of drama. The texts in classical productions, on the other hand, could sometimes use a little fine-tuning, thinks Jochen Leufen. He writes here because writing is the ideal way for him to express himself in a lasting way. First you develop an image in your head, then you describe what you see, check whether pitch and message harmonize, and then you press the send button. Curtain. Hopefully applause from the audience. Or mild criticism.

More about Jochen Leufen's vita:

HeadlineAffairs was founded by Jochen Leufen in 2004. Prior to that, he had been employed by the global agency network Ketchum since 1995, most recently in the position of authorized signatory / associate jointly responsible for the management of the Munich office. As Practice Leader Corporate and Practice Leader Technology, he represented the German market in both business areas. In his capacity as Group Manager / Senior Vice President, he had direct personnel responsibility in both practices and was in charge of coordinating all customer projects. Jochen Leufen was also responsible for the development of new products and for the new business strategy, as well as for content-related questions concerning the use of digital media.

Jochen Leufen is an active media trainer and he coordinated the planning and implementation of all media training courses at Ketchum in Germany. One of his main areas of work at Ketchum was directly advising clients in the event of a crisis or developing and training preventive issue and crisis management tactics and measures. Due to his training and previous activities, he was also responsible for public affairs at Ketchum.

Jochen Leufen's consulting experience at Ketchum includes work for ADIG (Allgemeine Deutsche Investment Gesellschaft), AMS (American Management Systems), Bayern Online, the Bavarian State Chancellery, the Bavarian SPD, Dow Chemical, Henkel, High Tech in Bavaria (campaign), IBM, Legoland Deutschland, Navigation Technologies, Microsoft Network, the City of Munich, Vereinsbank, VIAG Interkom, the World Congress on Transport Telematics, and a number of Internet companies such as Expedia, Handelsblatt.Interaktiv, LetsBuyIt, and webmiles.

Before joining Ketchum, Jochen Leufen worked for five years as a PR consultant for the agency wbpr in Munich, primarily supporting association clients in the area of environmental protection & public affairs, but also the Boston Consulting Group or Lufthansa Cargo in matters relating to their repositioning. Prior to that, he worked for one year at the federal office of the F.D.P. in the context of a federal election in Bonn and worked for a member of the Bundestag during his studies.

Jochen Leufen holds a degree in administrative sciences from the University of Konstanz. He is married and father of three children.

“Hey ChatGPT, will I be out of a job soon?”

“Hey ChatGPT, will I be out of a job soon?”

ChatGPT, the chatbot from OpenAI, composes high-quality texts in just a few seconds. Does this make the program a job killer for us communicators or should we see it as an important tool?
Aleksandar-Sasa Stevelic
Aleksandar-Sasa Stevelic

As a passionate basketball player and fan of the sport, I know how important precision, team spirit and commitment are. If you want to be successful on the court, you must combine all these attributes. Even the most precise shooter cannot win if he does not involve his teammates in the action and is resting on the court. In fact, working in a PR agency makes the same demands. Without precise work, cohesion and the will to give your best, the game is already lost in the first quarter.

Improving digital education opportunities between street art and pubs

Improving digital education opportunities between street art and pubs

Two days in London: In February, our colleague Noelia was on the road in the British metropolis for our customer “Amazon Future Engineer”. With Amazon employees from all over the world, she discussed ways to improve IT education opportunities for the generation of tomorrow.
Noelia Aehnelt
Noelia Aehnelt

Noelia Aehnelt studied International Communication and Translation at the University of Hildesheim as well as Intercultural European Studies in the cities Madrid, Clermont-Ferrand and Regensburg. She gathered valuable practical experience through her internships in the online marketing section of a London e-commerce start-up, in the corporate communications department of a global company and working for the German Federal Foreign Office at UNESCO.











